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List of Publications

2023 - Comprehensive structural, infrared spectroscopic and kinetic investigations of the roles of the active-site arginine in bidirectional hydrogen activation by the [NiFe]-hydrogenase ‘Hyd-2’ from Escherichia coli - Link


2023 - Binding of exogenous cyanide reveals new active-site states in [FeFe] hydrogenases - Link


2023 - Redox tuning of the H-cluster by second coordination sphere amino acids in the sensory [FeFe] hydrogenase from Thermotoga maritima - Link


2022 - Stability of the H-cluster under whole-cell conditions—formation of an Htrans-like state and its reactivity towards oxygen - Link


2022 - Investigating the role of the strong field ligands in [FeFe] hydrogenase: spectroscopic and functional characterization of a semi-synthetic mono-cyanide active site - Link


2022 - Bioelectrocatalytic CO2 reduction by redox polymer-wired carbon monoxide dehydrogenase gas diffusion electrodes - Link


2021 - A beginner’s guide to thermodynamic modelling of [FeFe] hydrogenase - Link


2021 - The catalytic cycle of [FeFe] hydrogenase: A tale of two sites - Link


2021 - The nonphysiological reductant sodium dithionite and [FeFe] hydrogenase: Influence on the enzyme mechanism - Link


2020 - Spectroscopic and biochemical insight into an electron-bifurcating [FeFe] hydrogenase - Link


2020 - Caught in the Hinact: Crystal Structure and Spectroscopy Reveal a Sulfur Bound to the Active Site of an O2‐stable State of [FeFe] Hydrogenase - Link


2020 - Insight into the redox behavior of the [4Fe–4S] subcluster in [FeFe] hydrogenases - Link


2020 - Kristallstruktur und Spektroskopie offenbaren einen Schwefel‐Liganden am aktiven Zentrum einer O2‐stabilen [FeFe]‐Hydrogenase - Link


2018 - His-Ligation to the [4Fe-4S] Subcluster Tunes the Catalytic Bias of [FeFe] Hydrogenase - Link


2018 - Sulfide protects [FeFe] hydrogenases from O2 - Link


2017 - Electrochemical Investigations on the Inactivation of the [FeFe] Hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans by O2 or Light under Hydrogen‐Producing Conditions - Link


2017 - Spectroscopic evidence of reversible disassembly of the [FeFe] hydrogenase active site - Link


2017 - Influence of the [4Fe–4S] cluster coordinating cysteines on active site maturation and catalytic properties of C. reinhardtii [FeFe]-hydrogenase - Link


2017 - Intercluster redox coupling influences protonation at the H-cluster in [FeFe] hydrogenases - Link


2017 - The structurally unique photosynthetic Chlorella variabilis NC64A hydrogenase does not interact with plant-type ferredoxins - Link


2016 - Covalent Attachment of the Water‐insoluble Ni (PCy2NPhe2) 2 Electrocatalyst to Electrodes Showing Reversible Catalysis in Aqueous Solution - Link


2016 - Artificial maturation of the highly active heterodimeric [FeFe] hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 7757 - Link


2015 - Direkter Leistungsvergleich eines bioinspirierten synthetischen Ni‐Katalysators und einer [NiFe]‐Hydrogenase, beide kovalent an eine Elektrode gebunden - Link


2015 - Direct comparison of the performance of a bio‐inspired synthetic nickel catalyst and a [NiFe]‐hydrogenase, both covalently attached to electrodes - Link

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